1:1 power hour sessions

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for social media managers

  • You're struggling to develop a clear and effective social media strategy for yourself and clients.
  • The imposter syndrome is real with everything that you're posting
  • You don't feel confident being able to get your clients results
  • You're struggling to bring on new clients that align with your vision

Does this sound like you?

We will confidently refine your brand approach, bio, & profile together, without the commitment of full-time management.

Feel your social media already performing well? Imagine the added impact of our Power Hour Sessions taking it to the next level. 

Our sessions address specific issues & questions you have related to your social media, offering customised guidance for tangible results.

Seek the clarity needed to develop your clear and effective social media strategy, offering a roadmap for direction and success.

I will personally help you:

An hour long video call split into Q&A, strategy, & profile optimisation.

what's included:

Optimise your social presence through a strategic session without the commitment of full-time management. 

1:1 Power Hour Sessions with Zoe:

learn more about me

With over 7 years in the marketing industry, I decided to leave my old agency job in 2022. Fed up with ineffective traditional methods, I aimed to build a modern and results-driven agency - and that's just what I did. In just 2 years, our business skyrocketed to six figures, and the momentum is (pretty much) unstoppable so far. Based in Manchester, UK, we have worked with beauty brands across the globe, including cities across the UK, Los Angeles, Michigan, & Geneva. Our talented content creators form a dynamic team. Our journey has resulted in incredible collaborations, with clients featured in Vogue, GQ, Vanity Fair, This Morning, & more!

Hey there I'm Zoe, the proud founder of ZJM Marketing Ltd! 

what my coaching clients have to say

- Khorsa Socials

"After our first 1:1 Session, I want to say a big thank you to Zoe! During the hour we covered loads of topics, I've received so much beneficial information and assistance, which has really given me a new direction of where I want to take my social media work and helped me narrow down and structure my ideas. This call has been everything that I expected and I'm very happy with the outcome." 

- EG Socials

"I felt like a massive weight was lifted off of my shoulders after meeting with Zoe. She's super nice and doesn't judge you which was a worry for me. I love how transparent she is with how she runs her own business and you can tell the advice she gives you are lessons she's learnt herself. Super valuable and I'll definitely be back for another session once I've made the changes we spoke about :)"

- Beth Creative

"I've only done 2/6 of my calls so far and they've been 10/10!! I've always been someone who liked to brainstorm with someone else & have someone to turn to, so these calls are perfect! Me and Zoe have similar business models, so I knew she was the perfect person to help me overcome my current struggles. Zoe is so understanding and supportive in the calls & messages after, but she's also not scared to be frank and give you the nitty gritty of what you can improve on too! She puts so much effort into personalising each call, to maximise the benefits & it's never unnoticed! I cannot wait to continue our mentor/mentee relationship and I know Zoe will be someone I can count on for advice, even once our course runs out! 🤍 I would recommend her to every single person remotely interested without a doubt of hesitation"

- The Social Beauty

"I thoroughly enjoyed my 1-1 with Zoe, so much so I booked another call to dive even deeper into my strategy and how I can develop strategy for my clients. The value within both these calls were incredible and I felt inspired to work on my business straight away! Would definitely recommend to anyone if your feeling a bit stuck or need some guidance."

book a call

£250 + VAT 

Experience a focused session on optimising your profile, ensuring a polished and impactful online presence.

profile optimisation:

Dive into strategic planning tailored to enhance your social media game, providing you with a roadmap.

Strategic Planning:

Engage in a personalised Q&A session to address specific queries and challenges related to your brand's social media.

Q&A Session:

1:1 Power hour session

We've got answers.

Got questions?

The Q&A session is an opportunity for you to ask specific questions about your social media challenges, receive personalised insights, and get guidance tailored to your brand.

The strategic planning segment is focused and efficient, aiming to provide you with actionable insights, tips, and a roadmap to enhance your social media strategy within the allotted time.

Absolutely! The profile optimisation session is customised to address the specific areas you want to refine, ensuring a polished and impactful online presence aligned with your brand.

While the hour is dedicated to your immediate needs, you're welcome to reach out for additional support or book another session if you have further questions or want ongoing assistance.

We'll provide you with guidelines to help you make the most of your session, including any materials or information you may need to have ready in advance.

Yes, the Power Hour is designed to cater to a variety of brands and industries. Whether you're a startup, small business, or established brand, the session can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

We typically use Google Meet for the video call. Prior to the session, you'll receive details on how to join.

Yes, you're welcome to record the session for your personal reference. It can be a useful tool to revisit insights and strategies discussed during the Power Hour.

book now

Book your call to start creating a standout social media presence